Wednesday 11 June 2014

जैविक खेती क्या है

जैविक खेती क्या है
जैविक खेती एक ऐसी पध्दति हैजिसमें रासायनिक उर्वरकोंकीटनाशकों तथा खरपतवारनाशियों के स्थान पर जीवांश खाद पोषक तत्वों (गोबर की खाद कम्पोस्टहरी खादजीवणु कल्चरजैविक खाद आदि) जैव नाशियों (बायो-पैस्टीसाईड) व बायो एजैन्ट जैसे क्राईसोपा आदि का उपयोग किया जाता हैजिससे न केवल भूमि की उर्वरा शक्ति लम्बे समय तक बनी रहती हैबल्कि पर्यावरण भी प्रदूषित नहीं होता तथा कृषि लागत घटने व उत्पाद की गुणवत्ता बढ़ने से कृषक को अधिक लाभ भी मिलता है ।
जैविक खेती वह सदाबहार कृषि पध्दति हैजो पर्यावरण की शुध्दताजल व वायु की शुध्दताभूमि का प्राकृतिक स्वरूप बनाने वालीजल धारण क्षमता बढ़ाने वालीधैर्यशील कृत संकल्पित होते हुए रसायनों का उपयोग आवश्यकता अनुसार कम से कम करते हुए कृषक को कम लागत से दीर्घकालीन स्थिर व अच्छी गुणवत्ता वाली पारम्परिक पध्दति है।
Organic Privaar scheme launch shortly in Dwarka

रासायनिक खाद व कीटनाशक युक्त भोजन से बढ़ रही है भयानक बीमारियां

रासायनिक खाद व कीटनाशक युक्त भोजन से बढ़ रही है भयानक बीमारियां
रासायनिक खाद व कीटनाशक के धड़ाधड प्रयोग ने हवा, पानी व मिंट्टी को इतना जहरीला बना दिया है कि आबादी का काफी हिस्सा शारीरिक, मानसिक व सेक्स के पक्ष से कमजोर हो रहा है। इसके साथ ही युवा पीढ़ी नशे की गिरफ्त में आ गई है। संसार में पहले बीमारियां पैदा होती हैं, फिर इन बीमारियों के इलाज के बहाने लोगों की आर्थिक लूट की जाती है। देष में वैज्ञानिक खेती के नाम पर बरती जाने वाली खाद व कीटनाशक ने मनुष्य के स्वास्थ्य पर इस कदर असर किया है कि अब लोगों में ब्लड प्रेशर, शुगर, चमड़ी रोग, एचआइवी, हैपेटाइटिस बी-सी व कैंसर की बीमारियों में लगातार वृद्धि हो रही है। पुरुषों में शुक्राणुओं की संख्या लगातार कम हो रही है, सेक्स के तौर पर कमजोरी आ रही है और महिलाओं में बांझपन लगातार बढ़ रहा है। इन बीमारियों के इलाज में देष की जनता लगातार आर्थिक तौर पर कंगाल हो रही है।
फसलों पर छिड़के जाने वाले कीटनाशकों के अंश फल, सब्जी और अनाजों के जरिये हम तक पहुंचते हैं. 
खेतों में फल, सब्जियों और अनाजों को कीटों से बचाने वाले रसायनों के छिड़काव से जुड़ा है. जिस हरित क्रांति ने अनाज के लिए विदेशों पर हमारी निर्भरता खत्म की है, उसका विपरीत प्रभाव यह है कि हमारी जमीन कीटनाशकों के जहर में डूब चुकी है. हालात यह हैं कि फैक्ट्रियों और खेतों के जरिए हम तक आया यह विष हमारे डीएनए में घुस गया है और लगातार चेतावनियां आ रही हैं कि इनका असर भावी पीढ़ी विकलांग बना सकता है.

Tuesday 10 June 2014

Sunday 8 June 2014

Health Benefits Of Organic Food

Organic food is ‘certified’ food, which is produced in accordance with quality production standards. It is grown on organic farms and vigorously monitored by the officials of a certification body, during the production. Unlike natural food, organic food stuffs are generally grown without the use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers. They are often labeled to differentiate them from the natural ones, because both are similar in terms of color, size and shape. Organic food not only involves fruits, vegetables and grains, but also the products derived from livestock. Initially, organic foods were grown in small family-run farms. This restricted their availability to a great extent. The organic foods were available only in small stores and farmers' markets. With the increasing demand and the advancement in the field of agriculture, organic foods are now available in many countries around the world. Pricey though, more and more people are switching to organic food. The superior taste of organic food, perhaps, motivates people to consume them. Apart from the fact that it tastes better than the natural food, organic food has certain benefits on the overall health of the people as well. Check out the article to know all about the health benefits of organic food.

Organic Food Advantages
  • Studies suggest that organic food contains 10-50% higher amount of phyto- nutrients as compared to the conventional food. Antioxidants are present in abundance in organic food produce than in their conventional counterpart. They are very essential as they help in the prevention of cancer.
  • Reduced risk of health problems is often associated with the consumption of organic food.
  • Officials from the certification bodies visit the farm or plant, where the organic food stuffs are processed, to check whether the food is produced in accordance with the production standards set by them or not. This makes the organic food even more ‘quality-based’ over its natural foods counterpart.
  • Since organic foods generally carry labels, you will be able to differentiate them from others and choose accordingly. Be careful before choosing organic food. You do not want to end up buying a Genetically Modified (GM) food, because its implication on human health is still being studied.
  • Organic food stays longer, without decaying, than natural food. And to add on, they are safe for babies and children, as well.
  • Since organic foods are treated with manure, they are considered better than natural food, which are treated with pesticides, herbicides and chemical fertilizers, when they are grown in farms. Studies have shown that pesticide exposure results in neurological problems, often resulting in autism and ADHD.
  • Organic food contains phenolic compounds, which protects our heart from cardiovascular diseases and reduces the risk of cancer. Organic foods are regarded healthy because of their higher nutritional value and presence of essential fatty acids.
  • The farm animals in an organic farming are reared without the use of growth hormones. Farmers ensure that the animals are given a healthy and balanced diet. This makes such animal products tastier and healthier to eat, as compared to those produced in the conventional way.
  • Antibiotics are widely used in dairy farms for increased resistance of animals, thereby leaving antibiotic residues in the dairy milk and milk products. Animals that are organically raised will not contain antibiotic residues in their products. The latter is safer because continual exposure to antibiotics can disrupt your helpful gut flora, leaving you vulnerable to many diseases.
  • Some of the other benefits that are gained by eating organic food is the increased immune system and better weight management. Recent studies have found that they are rich in vitamins and minerals, especially iron and zinc.
  • They are also known to be environmental-friendly and thus help in saving wildlife, by reducing water pollution and conserving the environment.
Disadvantages Of Organic Foods
  • Though organic foods are twice as expensive as their conventional counterparts, studies have not yet confirmed their nutritional benefits.
  • Researches claim them to be free from pesticide exposure and nothing more. A recent research showed that some of the benefits and harms of organic foods that are listed in popular portals are not based on comprehensive tests.
  • Also when shopping for fruits and vegetables, make sure to buy them when they are in season, in order to get the freshest produce available.
Listed above were the advantages and other facts to be noted when shopping organic produce. The major take away would be to never confuse organic produce with nutritious food, but yes, you can definitely rely on it being pesticide-free.

Health benefits of organic food

While most fruits and vegetables are loaded with nutrients that are great for your body, increased commercial demand means that farmers use a lot of fertilisers and pesticides to increase their yield. This is dangerous because they can have ill-effects and that’s why many people are switching to organic food. Here are some health benefits of organic food: 
Helps you avoid problems caused due to growth hormones in foods
According to nutritionist Naini Setalvad,  ‘Today growth hormones are injected in fruits, vegetables, pulses, poultry and meat to make them larger and plumper. Humans are consuming these products thereby eating these chemicals too. Research has documented and proven that these hormones and chemicals are what are causing the humongous (obesity) sizes in people today. The chemicals and the preservatives are the cause of psychological disorders, depression, mood swings, hyper activity and irritability that have now become a common phenomenon. Infertility in men, problems in conceiving, early puberty among children as young as eight is another by product of consuming such foods.’  
It is richer in nutrients
Organic food has more nutrients, vitamins, mineral, etc. than mass-produced food. This is because the soil is more nourished, which in turn leads to better crops. This in turn leads to healthier produce packed with vitamins and minerals. It’s also richer in salicylic acid which is good for your health.
Higher in antioxidant capacity
Various studies have found that organic food is richer in antioxidants. This partly due to the fact the chemicals from pesticides are not interacting with the different vitamins, minerals and organic compounds which are good for you and helps prevent ailments.
Less pesticides means lesser complications
One of the major health benefits of organic food stems from the factthat it doesn’t have pesticides. Most pesticides contain chemicals like organophosphorous which has been connected to a number of developmental problems including ADHD and autism; so choosing organic food means that you will prevent your children from consuming toxins that are likely to be bad for them growing up.
No antibiotic resistance
One of the major problems in today’s world is antibiotic resistance which is building up due to doctors prescribing antibiotics even when it’s not needed. It also comes from the food we eats since livestock is also given antibiotics to avoid ailments and we might be consuming them which weakens our immune system’s response.
Better for the environment and animals
Without harmful chemicals being used, growing organic food means we’re reducing our carbon footprint which will mean that there will be minimal damage to soil, air and water. Also, even meat which is produced organically comes from animals which are treated fairly and grown with organic food principles – basically no artificial chemicals which in turn mean we are eating healthier.

"The Gift of Good Land"

Organic farming

"An organic farm, properly speaking, is not one that uses certain methods and substances and avoids others; it is a farm whose structure is formed in imitation of the structure of a natural system that has the integrity, the independence and the benign dependence of an organism"